
The genealogists Jacques Blais and Serge Blais request your help to solve the problems in the list below.
Please send your solutions to one of the addresses at the bottom of the page or by email by clicking on the « Respond » button.
The solution will be displayed on this page.
Thank you for your collaboration.
Search #001
Marriage and filiation of Joseph Henry CADIEUX and Mary Jane S. BLAIS
Marriage on 06-30-1838 Troy, NY (written in the family Bible)
We are unable to locate the marriage. We are looking for their parents.
The couple converted to the Methodist religion during a "Tent Meeting" in 1838. Where?
Catholic or Methodist marriage?
In 1839, the couple is in Williamstown, Berkshire, Mass; they will have 6 children.
If you have any information , thank you to complete this short questionnaire. A member of the organization will contact you later.
Search #002
Marriage and filiation of Pierre BLAIS and Marie LEGAULT (DESLAURIERS)
Their son Peter BLAIR (Blais) marries Sarah McCalvin on November 2, 1863 in St-Chrysostome, QC.
Peter and Sarah will have 13 children in Northern New York.
If you have any information , thank you to complete this short questionnaire. A member of the organization will contact you later.
Search #003
Marriage and filiation of Pierre Blais and Edwidge LEGAULT (DESLAURIERS)
Marriage around 1849, Canada, United States?
In 1850, the couple settles in Northern New York (Essex County) where they will have 11 children.
If you have any information , thank you to complete this short questionnaire. A member of the organization will contact you later.